Pilot Application

Before you register, please review our Standard Operating Procedure - linked below. It contains vital information on flying with AlaskaVA, and offers what you can expect when flying with us. Alaska Virtual Airlines is in no way affiliated with the real world Alaska Airlines.

Once you have reviewed the SOP, you can fill out the registration form below. Please take time to fill out as much information as you can. All applications will be processed in a timely manner.

Thank you for your interest in flying with AlaskaVA! We look forward to creating a VA people love!

Pilot Application Form

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Date of Birth: *
Select Airline: *
Hub: *
Location: *
Password: *
Enter your password again: *
Discord Username
How Did You Hear About Us? *
Transfer Hours Requested (Max 125)
Link to verify your Transfer Hours

By clicking register, you agree to the Terms & Conditions set forth by AlaskaVA. You also agree that you have read and will comply with the AlaskaVA standard operating procedure.